1.All the XML code points to this vendor's servers to provide information, sort of like a non-public PKI infrastructure.
2.At the business-realization level, the documents provide information about how the various processes in the company are meant to be run.
3.Gallegos, however, was a Union supporter, and he found a way to provide information and assistance to Union forces.
4.One way Google might be able to profit is to provide information and navigation services for makers of autonomous vehicles.
5.You also have the opportunity to help me in the circumstances to do to provide information on resources, I would be very grateful!
6.How much do other people (supervisor or peers) in the organization provide information about your job performance?
7.For example, most terminal commands do not provide information on how complete a process is, or estimate how much time is remaining.
8.Monitoring is performed to identify possible areas of concern, or to provide information about violation rates.
9.Sensor networks will serve as the eyes and ears of the geo-world and provide information relevant to wherever you are.
10.These predictive classifications provide information and might be useful for "risk category" decisions concerning herb-drug interactions.